Want a Successful Launch on Instagram? Here are 4 steps!

Jul 26, 2021

Avoid these mistakes when launching or sharing about your coaching open spots or offer on Instagram.

In this post, I will discuss:

  • The 4 mistakes to avoid when launching your offer on Instagram
  • The 4 key strategies to launch your offer

If you have been struggling to fill your  spots when you launch on Instagram, avoid these 4 mistakes!

Mistake #1 - Your followers base is NOT made of potential buyers.

This is so important, especially if you have a smaller audience.

Family and friends are usually our first  followers, but they tend to not buy our services because they are not our target audience.

So, it is so important to make sure that those who will see your audience are potential buyers.

Your step 1 to a successful launch is to audit your audience -

If your followers are not potential buyers, start interacting with people that are your ideal clients. Connect with them by connecting on their posts and stories. 


Mistake #2 - Not warming up your audience -

The attention span on Instagram and on social is so low that repeating is key. 

Sharing with your audience that you have something coming up is key. they will be on the look out ready to consume your launch content.

People don't immediately buy our offer even if they know about our work. It is important to warm up your audience. 

Your step 2 to a successful launch is to warm up your audience!

People need to be warmed up, so 1 to 2 weeks before your offer start sharing a little about your offer with your current audience.

Mistake #3 - Not having a specific topic during your launch period!

During your warm up week, share about a topic that covers your expertise and what your audience needs to know immediately.

You want to make sure that the topic you share is relatable and interesting for your audience. 


Your step 3 to a successful launch is to cover a topic that is relatable and valuable for your audience!

This is essential because you want to build interest and trust in your upcoming launch! During this phase pay attention to any comments that ask you more information about the topic you cover. 

Mistake #4 - Not Sharing the transformation before your launch 

It is so important to help people understand what they will get out of your program.

We need to break down the "caterpillar  to butterfly" transformation. So people can see themselves into what we offer.

This is all about sharing the benefits of your offer and how it will improve the life of your clients. 

Your step 4 to a successful launch is share about the transformation. 

Sharing about the transformation could be sharing testimonials from clients or describing in details the positive impact of your offer. 

  • How will your offer improve your client's life?
  • What are the top 3 benefits they can expect from working with you?
  • What key elements people share with you once they worked with you?

These 4 steps will pre- sell your potential buyers before you've even shared your offer!

Want to know how to find and connect with your clients on Instagram. Download 

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