How To Write A Captivating Caption For Instagram: The 3 Key elements

Jul 26, 2021
The most common question I get about Instagram is how to get more engagement. 
One of the first steps for more likes and comments on your post is to stop the scroll with a great picture and caption title..
A compelling caption in you feed will lead to more engagement. And engagement is one of the key factors to attracting clients from Instagram to your business.
*Consider also adding a caption in your stories; Many people watch Instagram stories without sound, so adding a caption is a sure way to have your viewers what your stories all the way to the end. 
When you consistently create compelling captions that get likes and comments Instagram will show more of your content to your followers.  
Now, should your caption be funny? Or, Motivational? Should you have a call to action?

A good caption does 3 things well 

  • Set the scene
  • Add personality
  • Motivate your followers to take action

One key to writing high converting captions to make sure that your caption is relatable. 

It is so important to get in touched with your audience to make sure to that the subject you cover in you caption is relevant to them. 

People will engage if what you cover is part of their burning questions. I cannot emphasis that enough. Even on Instagram, your content needs to be relevant to your followers. 

One of the easiest quickest way to find out what is relevant to your followers is to find 3 to 5 people that consistently like your posts and survey them through DMs to find out what they want to hear. 

There are different types of captions that invite for more engagement

  • The behind-the-scenes caption - 

 To share with your followers how you do your magic in your business. Followers love to see the details of your work. This could be how you make your products or the different steps in your coaching packages. 


  • The minimalist caption - 

If your picture or video is attention grabbing and does not require more explanation, the best type of caption should be minimal.  


  • The Motivational caption - 

This type of caption is encouraging, inspiring, motivation your followers. They are great relation building and connection captions.


  • The informative caption - 

This is a storytelling caption type that takes full advantage of Instagram’s generous 2200 post character count. I typically use this caption to give in depth information about my services or to share client's transformation.

  •  The Quote caption -

This could be a picture with a quote from someone else with a short inspirational caption. Or, a picture with a quote in the caption.


The anatomy of a compelling Instagram caption

 #1 - A captivating first line

 No matter which caption type you choose, your tagline is the 1st element that your followers see. Your tagline should set the scene and be attention grabbing. 

Put the "WIIFM?" What In It for Them at the beginning of your caption.

Here are few questions to ask yourself when writing your caption tag line:
- What's a fun point, intriguing point in your post?
- What will be mindset shift, new key information, or mini transformation in your caption?
Hook the reader with the most important words and give them a reason to tap “More.”
Some attention grabbing tagline 
  • This was so funny, it made me cry...
  • Did you see this? Or, I am the only one who saw this?...
  • Are you feeling __ [pain point of your ideal client]? 

The caption tagline should be a preview of what you'll share in details in your caption body. 

 #2 - Add tailored hashtags to make your content for more visible 

Hashtags can help you gain more Instagram followers. Hashtags help Instagram organize and categorize photos and video content, so people interested in specific topics can quickly find you. 
Avoid this mistake  
One of the mistakes with hashtags is to use hashtags that are super popular. Traffic on super popular hashtags is so big that your post might get lost in the mix of it.
It is so import to use niche hashtags, so your content becomes visible to your target audience. 
Super popular hashtags don't help you get engagement or growth in the long run. 
How many hashtags can you add to your post?
You can add up to 30 hashtags to your post or in the first comment.
Some marketing guru suggest using 5 to 10 hashtags; I think it is best to use all the 30 because you typically don't know which hashtag will be the most effective. 
By using 30 hashtags you give yourself lots of potential winners. I ranked #1 in hashtags that I didn't believe I would, so I always use all the 30 hashtags.
Caution: When putting your hashtags in your comment, post your hashtag within minutes of your post. 
What's the easiest way to find hashtag for your niche? 
  1. In the app, click the search icon at the bottom of your screen
  2. Select the tag tab at the top in the menu 
  3. Tap in a topic your audience might be interested in.
  4. Go through and select your hashtags from the suggested hashtags

*Remember, select hashtags that are related to your specific niche. 


 #2 - Use effective calls to action (CTA) 

What are CTAs?
CTAs are a marketing term that refers to the short or long sentences added at the end of a caption in your feed or at the end of your Instagram story to help your reader to take the next step.
You've done all the work:
  • Select a relevant subject and wrote about it
  • Design your captivating first line
  • Research your niche hashtags 
Your CTA is your closer. Let's face it; we don't get paid to be on Instagram and we need a return on our invested time as business owners. 
What types of CTAs should you use?
I found that CTAs that are clear and concise work better. Clear instructions about the next step you want your reader to take is important.
I also found that CTA that are tied to your captions convert more. 
Here are three types of CTAs that work for me:
  • Inviting people to leave a comment, tag their friends, or give their opinion about the subject in your caption. 
  •  Doing a giveaway-CTA by encouraging your audience to tag someone else. Make sure your prize too good to refuse. 
  • Telling people to DM me a specific phrase for more conversation. 

About the the most common CTA is "Get [...], link in the bio": I found this one to be effective only when you add your Instagram name after this CTA. So readers who are interested can quickly click from your caption to your bio.

It will look like this:

Get my [Instagram engagement cheat sheet]- link in the bio @nina.e.crawford.

This makes it super easy for your readers to get to your bio. The easier it is for them, the more results you will see. 

Here you have it: The 3 key elements of a captivating caption. 

Now, if you don't yet have it yet, get my 2021 Instagram Engagement Hack Cheat Sheet here!

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