How To Create High Converting Content for Social Media
Jul 26, 2021As a purpose-driven entrepreneur and money coach, one of the key elements I share with clients is how to be strategic with our content.
When I was writing this post, I thought about how, as a French native speaker, I need to use my words carefully when I speak English.
I want to make sure that I am using words that resonate with the people I am talking with.
So today, I want to share about buyers’ language.
Our time is precious, so it is important that we engage in tasks that have high returns for our businesses.
So I want to share one of the key elements that creates more conversions for our businesses.
This type of content honors the type of buyers that might read or listen to our content on social media.
Yes, there is such a thing as buyers’ language and it is so important for business owners to make sure that our content is honoring these different languages.
Using buyers’ languages will help you:
- Create content based on how purchases are made.
- Give key information to support your potential clients’ decision.
- Help create a space where you audience can actually connect with you.
So here are the top 4 buyers’ languages to consider:
The Analytical – They need precision and distrust salespeople fluff. They take their time to make decisions.
· Share the specifics of your offer.
· Tell them what the product won’t do.
· Focus on data: straight facts, not a fancy pitch.
· Avoid trying to push them to make quick decisions
The Collaborative: they value personal relationships, trust, and empathy. They deeply care about who they are buying from.
· Focus on your connection with your offer and how you understand them.
· Avoid options and probabilities
The Expressive: They are impulsive buyers with short attention span. They don’t want a lot of details.
· Focus on short, fast moving experiences, stories, or client testimonials.
· They want to know how your offer will affect them at the human level.
· Avoid overwhelming them with lots of details.
The Driver - highly assertive, but not very responsive; they might not comment on your post, but they might buy your offer on opening day.
· Outline the main concept behind your transformation
· Share the key important details about your offer.
· They are interested in the facts; they don’t want to be your friends.
These are the main buyers’ languages. During your soulful sales process, focus on listening instead of speaking to find which one your potential buyer is using, so you can better communicate with them.
Remember: in soulful sales, you are a guide and not a salesperson. If you feel that you need to convince someone, take a deep breath, use these mindset shifts, and get back to your center. Your role is to help the person you are talking to make the right decision in their journey.
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