Feeling sleazy about Sales? 3 Simple Ways to Change It

Jul 28, 2021

You know you need sales for your business, but you wish you could do it without feeling salezy.

It's so annoying to do all the work to create your offer and find yourself stuck when it's time to sell.

That icky feeling that makes you feel gross, like the salesperson is trying to convince you to do something you don’t want to do. Yuck...

Selling doesn’t have to feel that way. Feeling salezy comes from having a mindset and intention of closing the sales at all costs; it is based on the energy of lack and neediness.

This type of sales strategy is just bad selling and you don’t have to be part of it. Let’s talk about soulful sales strategies to do sales differently.

The first shift here is to have a different intention and goal than the pushy salesperson. In soulful sales, you’ll focus on a win-win approach; your #1 focus is helping your potential clients make the best decision.

The 3 ways below will help you ditch the icky salezy feeling and embrace sales in a more powerful way.


1 - Embrace an anti-selling attitude

The anti-selling attitude ONLY focuses on finding a good fit for you and the potential clients.

As soon as you focus on sales, you cut off any fruitful communication; Your potential clients will quickly feel that you are in it to just close the sale.


You want to focus on fostering an authentic communication with your potential client for more open communication.

Adopting an anti-selling attitude helps you be more open to understanding the actual needs of your potential clients and communicating how your offer can meet them. This mindset shift should be at the top of your mind at all times.

An added benefit of an anti-selling attitude is that it allows you to clear any blocks your potential clients might have to buy from you.


2 – Clear your own money blocks

Money blocks are thoughts in your head about money. These are typically negative thoughts that will sabotage you in your business.

Here are the 3 top money blocks:

·      Money is the root of evil

·      Making money is hard

·      Greedy people want to make money.

It is so critical to clear our money blocks because they are beliefs that will always justify themselves because they can be part of our identity.

If you believe that making a sale is for salezy and dishonest people, you will never fully show up because you don’t want to be dishonest.

I have a client who will redirect her potential clients to free resources because she didn’t want to be a pushy salesperson.

To clear your money block, instead of telling yourself that “selling is sleazy”, affirm that “selling allows me to share my gifts and make a difference in someone else's life”.

Clearing your money blocks will allow you to show up fully for your clients and make the impact you really desire.

3 – Pre-qualify your clients with your social media content as well as in your contact form

Turning clients away even before they contact you? Scary? Yep, this can be quite scary for some people.

Anyone who is not interested in your offer will NOT contact you. That’s the best thing you can do for your business.  

There will be:

·      More people who are ready to work with you on your calls

·      The sales calls will be less about convincing and more about making sure you are a good fit for each other.

Pre-qualifying clients is one of the most powerful strategies to have successful sales calls without going into the salezy-zone.

Should you follow up?

Most marketers will tell you to follow up after a sales call. Here is my opinion. Many years ago, I would follow up on calls and I got no in many cases, so I decided to do the following.

If my potential clients mention that they need more time for their final decision, I will immediately follow up our call with a recap of the conversation and a link to book with me.

Then, it is up to them to take the step if they are ready to do the work. It is all about creating a win-win situation. If we are not a good fit; that’s ok too.

At the end of the day, I only want to work with people who are invested in their own success.

Want to know how I can help you create a non-salezy soulful sales strategy? Click here!


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