3 Steps To Overcome Fear of Sales
Jul 26, 2021We often we get stuck in our sales process because we don't want to convince anyone that they need to buy our offer.
That type of mindset usually gets us in the no-sales no-results zone; we don't even want to share our offer.
If you ever find yourself stuck in your sales process because you think that you need to convince your audience that:
· they should buy from you,
· your services/products are great,
· buying from you will give them exactly what they need,
Embrace the 3 mindset shifts I share in today’s blog post.
In this blog post, you will learn why you need to see yourself as a guide instead of a salesperson and why selling is not what you think.
If this is something you want to know about, click here: 3 Tips to Selling Without convincing!
1- Think of being of service instead of selling: it is not about you.
Someone else is ready for the transformation and they are waiting for someone that looks exactly like you to help them along the way.
Be willing to share your offer as much as possible, so those who are ready for their transformation will buy from you.
2 - You are providing an opportunity for transformation.
We can get so confused about our purpose when it comes to selling. Selling is a door you open for someone else to take a step in the right direction in their journey.
You are a guide; you are not pushing or forcing someone to make a decision. Anytime you find yourself in the energy of pushing or forcing; you come from lack and you won't make the sales. Lack will always attract lack.
3 - People buy from you because the offer is exactly what they need when they are ready.
The final decision is never yours at the end of the day. There is no need to convince or force; if your offer fits their current circumstances, needs and desires, people will buy your offer. Let go of the assumption that you have to convince people to buy your products; you don't.
One of the Keys to not feeling like you have to convince your potential buyers to purchase your products: put yourself/content in front of the right people, so they can make the final decision. If your offer works for them, they will buy from you.
Download the client connection roadmap below and find out how to get in front of the right people on Instagram.
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