3 Simple Ways to Stand Out on Instagram - Soulful Strategy Edition

Jul 26, 2021

Marketing has greatly evolved over the years, especially for mission-driven business owners.

  • You've invested time, money, and heart in a business that is your calling. 
  • You are committed to creating a successful business to serve and make a positive impact.
  • But you refuse to be deceitful and manipulative in your marketing strategy.

Over 60% of adults worldwide use social media and Instagram is one of the fastest growing platforms. Therefore, every business need a winning Instagram strategy.

If I ask you what you think of Instagram, you would say:

  • Instagram is all about vanity and I don't want to focus on that.
  • Instagram is kinda confusing and overwhelming; I don't even know what strategy works
  • I tried everything on Instagram and it is not working; Hum... I don't get leads or sales

There no perfect way to do Instagram; it is so important to use the strategies and tweak them to match to your authentic energy.

Avoid the Instagram comparison trap -

It is a visual platform and your level of authenticity creates connection with your followers and build trust that leads to sales.

Hey Beautiful, don’t resist it - Instagram gives you a FREE opportunity to market your business; you need to come from a place of authenticity. 

 And I’m here to help!

 Step One: Find Your Authentic Voice 

Leading your Instagram strategy with your money personality is such a game changer.

No matter if you are conscious of it or not, you are leading your business strategy with your money personality and that also includes your Instagram strategy.

knowing your money personality helps you create the type of content that actually is super easy for you to create.

Two of the biggest struggles on Instagram are content creation and connections. 

knowing your money personality helps you find out the easiest way for you to create content and connect with your followers.

  • Are you a Nurturer? You want to make sure everyone is okay; you have that calm energy that makes people feel held.

You'll feel more at ease with creating long post that you could break down in smaller posts, so you can focus on what you do best, connecting with people. You need to make sure that you don't give too free strategies though.

  • Are you the Celebrity type? You have exquisite taste and love to spend money on beautiful high-end items and share about it on Instagram.  

You have no problem being on camera. You'll thrive with videos focus on you sharing how your business will help your followers have a beautiful luxurious life. One thing you need to ensure is that you are very intentional about leading interested followers to your DM.

  • Or, are you the Ruler type? You love to share straight to-the-point key elements with your audience. 

As a ruler, you could use carousel and reels to show key point that your audience needs to focus on. You will be at ease with replying to each followers. One key for you is to make sure you don't overwork here, so you can focus on the selling on Instagram without burning out. 

There are other money personalities; take the quiz here to find out.

Step Two: Showcase Your Products and Services

This is a key strategy that can be so difficult for soulful and mission-driven entrepreneurs.  

The idea of bragging about the benefits of our services or products seem so sales-zy and manipulative. 

The only way for people to know if you are a match for their needs is to know that your product solve their issues. 

Also, one thing to remember is that as the expert you know the benefits of your services and products and others don't.

Your Instagram caption should showcase the key benefits (not features) of your offer. 

When writing your caption, keep asking the WIIFM question. What is in it for them?

 What is in it for your followers? How will they feel after using your services?

Step Three: Use the Story Engagement Arc 

Out of all the social media platform, people engage the most on Instagram, especially on Instagram stories.

Out of the 500 millions Instagram daily users, 300 millions are on Instagram stories. 

Once you connect with someone, they tend to go to your stories and posts. Here is what I noticed on Instagram: 

  • if someone watches your story, answer their polls, or reply to them via direct message, they’ll likely see more of their posts in the feed.
  • Instagram Stories refreshes every time you open the app. Say someone watches your stories often; when you add a new content to your story, Instagram put your fresh content in front of them; they end up always watching your stories.

Now that you know that let me share with you how you could use Instagram stories for your business.

See Instagram stories are like any stories; there is timeline to every stories. 

The IG story engagement arc has three steps

  • Intro - Showing details or benefits of what you'll share in your Instagram Stories.
  • Valuable Details - Share relatable content your audience can find beneficial and useful.
  • Wrap Up - Share what's next if they want to learn more and add a call to action.

Now you don't need to implement all of them at once. 

Implement one strategy at the time and use it for sometime before moving to the next strategy. 

On Instagram like anywhere else in your business, consistency pays. 

In soulful marketing, you want to connect with what you share and how you share it for more impact.

If you feel rushed, all the work you invest in your strategy won't resonate as much with your audience.

Want to know how to connect with your audience on Instagram? Check out the Client Connection System



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